It had been months when the colony next heard from Daago. Tail and Nose, the two whelps that ha been abandoned into her care, had acclimated to the new environment well, seemingly greatly enjoying life in L'hatzif. It had been an unusually sunny day, until clouds suddenly formed over the colony's clearing, unleashing a thunderstorm that had the whelps running back inside.
When the whelps got back to one of the covered areas of the colony, they tried their best to dry off, and then decided to do their next favourite thing after playing outside- bothering Morgain.
The belemoid had a small shop in the colony, in one of the lower levels that the order whelps, Like Tail and Nose, were allowed to go without supervision. This had ended up meaning that the whelps regularly came over to poke and prod at the Belemoid.
They were surprised to see that this time there were more Xunari in the little shop though. Morgain was leaning on his counter, chatting with Fawn and Daago. The whelps hovered at the door, curiously watching the adults. They hadn't been noticed yet, and were happy to keep it that way.
"I'm sure they're around here somewhere." They heard Morgain say. "I saw them playing outside earlier-" he trailed off, looking out the window at the raging Storm outside. "Probably not anymore, though."
Daago had hummed in understanding, her own ears turning towards the sound of the rain hitting the window. "Well, I don't want to be a bother- let them play if that's what they're doing."
Fawn shrugged. "I'm sure it's no bother. They ask about you sometimes, anyways, so I'm sure they'd be happy to see you again."
Daago seemed to be caught off guard by this. "They ask about me?"
Fawn nodded. "They seem quite fond of you, too. I think Morgain might be Tail's favorite, but Nose especially seems to think fondly of you."
Nose frowned at the mention. Of course she had thought fondly of Daago- she had been kind to the two, when they had lived with her. She shifted her weight on her paws, trying to peek just a bit further into the room, and as she did so the wooden floor creaked, revealing their location. Tail hissed in frustration, angrily elbowing Nose in the side.
"UHm- Hi! We were definitely not spying on you!" Nose offered, sounding more suspicious than ever.
Fawn raised an eyebrow, and both Morgain and Daago chuckled at the two's anticts. 
Fawn sighe, with a smile on her face, an addressed the whelps "Nose, Tail, someone came all the way from Issiq to visit you, isn't that nice?"
The whelps nodded carefully.
"Do you wanna show her around your home? I'm sure she'd love to take a look," Fawn paused, realizing the uncomfortable mistake she had made- but continued, not quite knowing how to remedy it. "at where you've been living."
Daago nodded. "That would be lovely, yes."
Morgain smiled. "Looks like you'll have to come bother me again some other time, kids."
Total Wordcount: 509
1 to 200
It had been months when the colony next heard from Daago. Tail and Nose, the two whelps that ha been abandoned into her care, had acclimated to the new environment well, seemingly greatly enjoying life in L'hatzif. It had been an unusually sunny day, until clouds suddenly formed over the colony's clearing, unleashing a thunderstorm that had the whelps running back inside. When the whelps got back to one of the covered areas of the colony, they tried their best to dry off, and then decided to do their next favourite thing after playing outside- bothering Morgain. The belemoid had a small shop in the colony, in one of the lower levels that the order whelps, Like Tail and Nose, were allowed to go without supervision. This had ended up meaning that the whelps regularly came over to poke and prod at the Belemoid. They were surprised to see that this time there were more Xunari in the little shop though. Morgain was leaning on his counter, chatting with Fawn and Daago. The whelps hovered at the door, curiously watching the adults. They hadn't been noticed yet, and were happy to keep it that way. "I'm sure they're around here
Mention Counter
Morgain: 2 mentions
Daago: 2 mentions
Fawn: 1 mentions
*Tail: 2 mentions
*Nose: 2 mentions

201 to 400
somewhere." They heard Morgain say. "I saw them playing outside earlier-" he trailed off, looking out the window at the raging Storm outside. "Probably not anymore, though." Daago had hummed in understanding, her own ears turning towards the sound of the rain hitting the window. "Well, I don't want to be a bother- let them play if that's what they're doing." Fawn shrugged. "I'm sure it's no bother. They ask about you sometimes, anyways, so I'm sure they'd be happy to see you again." Daago seemed to be caught off guard by this. "They ask about me?" Fawn nodded. "They seem quite fond of you, too. I think Morgain might be Tail's favorite, but Nose especially seems to think fondly of you." Nose frowned at the mention. Of course she had thought fondly of Daago- she had been kind to the two, when they had lived with her. She shifted her weight on her paws, trying to peek just a bit further into the room, and as she did so the wooden floor creaked, revealing their location. Tail hissed in frustration, angrily elbowing Nose in the side. "UHm- Hi! We were definitely not spying on you!" Nose offered, sounding more
Mention Counter
Morgain: 2 mentions
Daago: 3 mentions
Fawn: 2 mentions
*Tail: 2 mentions
*Nose: 4 mentions

401 to 509
suspicious than ever. Fawn raised an eyebrow, and both Morgain and Daago chuckled at the two's anticts. Fawn sighe, with a smile on her face, an addressed the whelps "Nose, Tail, someone came all the way from Issiq to visit you, isn't that nice?" The whelps nodded carefully. "Do you wanna show her around your home? I'm sure she'd love to take a look," Fawn paused, realizing the uncomfortable mistake she had made- but continued, not quite knowing how to remedy it. "at where you've been living." Daago nodded. "That would be lovely, yes." Morgain smiled. "Looks like you'll have to come bother me again some other time, kids."
Mention Counter
Morgain: 2 mentions
Daago: 2 mentions
Fawn: 3 mentions
*Tail: 1 mentions
*Nose: 1 mentions
Morgain is in 3 chunks
Daago is in 3 chunks
Fawn is in 3 chunks
*Tail is in 3 chunks
*Nose is in 3 chunks
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Submitted By LostInProgres
Submitted 2 months ago Last Updated 2 months ago
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