Silas, Vasiliki and Alias were all great friends in the colony of Caelestis, often sticking around Luben and Salus, or the researcher Lian. They were the main kids that stuck together, remaining in the shadows to see the happenings of the building colony, many others having joined over the time that they’d been settled in L’haztif. As they ran nearby the research lab that had been set up a few days ago, Luben and Salus let out a few cries of startlement, looking towards the three whelps with a disappointed look, arms crossing with a sigh, “You three…” Luben began, looking as if he was going to scold them. Silas, Vasiliki and Alias’ ears pinned back against their skull, looking a bit startled as they had been spooked out of the game they’d been playing. Salus placed a hand on Luben’s shoulder, and looked back to the three whelps, “Be careful please. We’ve just finished the huts and we’re getting some new things from the storage of Lian’s ship. We need to be careful since they can easily be broken.” “Y-You guys are moving things…?” Vasiliki asked, being rather shy around adults. She was more outgoing with her friends and others of her age. Salus blinked and smiled, kneeling down near Vasiliki, “Indeed. Luben and I are moving some more crates, like the ones that are in the science lab.” “O-oh, I see!” Silas and Alias looked at each other, before looking up to Salus, “What are the crates for if not for the l...ab?” The two asked, ears perked as their tails wagged lightly, “It’ll be a place where people with….” Luben looked off to the side, almost ashamed of what he was going to say, “Booboos go to get help.” “Oh n-no! Someone has a booboo?” Vasiliki said, suddenly alarmed and worried as she looked around, “Who’s hurt?!” Salus shook her head “No one is, everyone’s fine, I promise.” Luben looked towards her with a light smile, always fascinated as to how she had her ways with children. It was nice to see her take care of them. He shook his head to clear his mind however, focusing on the ongoing task. “You three should go play elsewhere.” Salus looked back towards Luben, before nodding, “He’s right dears. The other things could be dangerous for you three.” Silas and Alias shook their heads, “No! We want to stay and help!” Vasiliki gave a nod, standing at the side of the boys, “S-So do I! I want to help you too!” “Well…” Luben looked to Salus, “We could use some materials for the beds… needs to be clean and soft too. Maybe the kids could take care of that…” Alias, Vasiliki and Silas grew excited, looking towards Salus, “Pleaaase can we help?” “I-” ...the puppy eyes came out from the trio, and Salus gave a sigh, “Fffine. But I’m coming with you.” “Yay!” The three rejoiced, jumping about happily. Luben gave a chuckle, “I’ll keep working on the ship’s boxes, maybe go talk to Lian as well.” “Fair enough.” With that, the group separated from Luben.
Salus, Vasiliki, Alias and Silas found themselves in the more plentiful plant forms bloomed about, like softer mosses and leafy plants. Salus had the most knowledge when it came to plantlife round here thanks to her past with her small clan, under the wing of their medic, she could guide the children to which ones would make the better bedding, as well as what was safe and dangerous as they collected things. “Are you sure we’re helping…?” Vasiliki asked, as Alias and Silas went to collect some softer mosses for the people to lay on. Salus and Vasiliki were working on gathering some of the fallen leaves, most who were green or golden. “Now why would you ask that? Of course this is important…” Salus said, looking at the little whelp. “W-well, its just…” Vasiliki looked to the side, “Luben is working with the crates really hard currently and we’re almost just… picking things for the fun of it. Why do we even need leaves…?” Salus sighed softly, before clarifying things. “My dear, Luben is working hard on the crates with Lian in order for us to have medicine. But, medicine is not the only important part of healing someone! We need to make sure that they’re comfortable enough to rest, and so we make beds for them!” “Out of leaves and Moss?” Alias and Silas asked, turning to her with a questioning gaze. “But of course! It's the softest things we have out here so far, as we haven’t quite set up some hunting parties! And let’s be honest, it's not that bad a bed, is it?” “...No, I suppose not.” Vasiliki said in a soft whisper. “Now come on you three, a bit more and we can head home.” Salus encouraged them to continue with their picking game. Silas and Alias began to wrestle a bit in the plants as their own bags were full, getting some pollen from nearby flowers attached to their furs, and Salus sighed while Vasiliki giggled, “Seems it’ll be baths for you two at home as well.”
By the time they were back, both Luben and Lian were set up within the clay hut, the boxes piled on cleanly and slowly being unpacked. Lian was bent near a shelf, taking out some glass vials and packed medicinal pastes and bandages in the clean area. “Lian… we got some bed stuffing for the beds of the sick.” “...Ah, I see.” Lian looked up, Luben walking over to the group of four. Vasiliki, Silas and Alias looked proud of their work, holding out the leaves and plants that they had collected for Luben to see, and the male smiled, “Well done, all of you. ...I think Silas and Alias should go wash the plants in the nearby running waters though… it would help to make sure nothing stays on them.” “Awe, really?” Silas and Alias asked, while Vasiliki wondered why she wasn’t told to go. “Hey, you two said you wanted to help. This is one way to do so.” The two boys nodded, and walked off. “...I’ll go with them this time.” Luben said, heading with Alias and Silas to the running water source, while Vasiliki and Salus settled beside Lian. “What do you have…?” Vasiliki asked, tilting her head, “Well… we have some usual sickness medicines that come from my ship...some for headaches, some for bone difficulties… also some eh…” Lian avoided saying some of the equipment, remembering some Tsabs didn’t enjoy the sight of them, “The usual.” “Ah, alright!” Vasiliki nodded, and Salus observed Lian, “, how long do you think this will last us?” “I don’t know.” Lian answered honestly, while the sound of laughing Silas, Alias and Luben echoed from nearby, “....we’ll have to set up something soon. Maybe an herb garden with the plants you know help with sickness.” “...I see.” Salus nodded, “...we’ll do what we can. We’ll just be careful until its ready!” Vasiliki said with a smile, surprising Lian. “I’m sure you will, dear.”, how attached was Lian growing with these colonists? She’d be surprised.
Luben: 4 mentions
Alias: 2 mentions
Silas: 2 mentions
Vasiliki: 3 mentions
Luben: 4 mentions
Alias: 2 mentions
Silas: 2 mentions
Vasiliki: 2 mentions
Luben: 3 mentions
Alias: 3 mentions
Silas: 3 mentions
Vasiliki: 4 mentions
Luben: 2 mentions
Alias: 1 mentions
Silas: 1 mentions
Vasiliki: 3 mentions
Luben: 3 mentions
Alias: 4 mentions
Silas: 4 mentions
Vasiliki: 2 mentions
Luben: 2 mentions
Alias: 2 mentions
Silas: 2 mentions
Vasiliki: 5 mentions

B3.A: A Setting for Healing
What is needed for healing someone? Some medicine, some food and water, and of course, beds! A small moment in the time of the Caelestis colony with our Trio Silas, Alias and Vasiliki on a job to help make some beds!
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