"I've been thinking," said Blip over breakfast.

Rashi gazed attentively with a nod, still chewing. Taiah hastily swallowed to ask, "What about?"

"Well, there's only three of us here," she answered, "and we really need more of us to make a proper colony, don't you think? If we had a few more members it'd be easier to divide tasks and it's always useful to have a wider set of skills and strengths to draw from."

"Sensible," said Rashi. "DPIP hasn't been sending us any other misfits, which I sort of suspected they might, but maybe just not yet. Still, we can't wait on them."

"How d'you get more members?" Taiah said.

"Well, I found you in a hole," answered Rashi cheerfully. Taiah stuck out her tongue.

"I suppose we could do things the old fashioned way if we had a male Tsabhua you liked or another Vicham but we don't have either," Blip joked. Rashi smirked. Taiah tilted her head a bit, thinking about that. She sort of knew what they meant- it took, in most species she knew of, two to make babies. But she wasn't sure why it was funny.

"Well, maybe we can put out a message to some of the other colonies around us and see if anybody fancies a move, or even just could spare a few for several months to help us make some expansions, even," Rashi suggested.

"Good thought. We can draft a message tonight when you're finished with, what was it you were doing today?"

"Going to explore a cave I found last week," Rashi explained. "I'm not familiar with this one so I'm not going to take too many risks but I don't want to bring you, kiddo, for the same reason," she directed at Taiah.

"Ugh, all right, but be careful. We can't afford to lose you!" Blip scolded. Rashi only grinned. She was used to it.


Unexpectedly, Rashi wasn't the only explorer in the cave that day. A pair of Belemoid were crouched behind a rock close to the entrance, conversing quietly. They nodded to Rashi but seemed to be trying to be generally stealthy, so she sidled up closer and whispered a greeting.

"Be you quiet in here," said the female softly. "It's the lair of a monster."

"What are you doing in here then?" Rashi asked.

"We're questing to bring home one of its eggs," murmured the male. "There's a pile deep in the lair and we need to grab one before they hatch."

"Well then, why don't I help you out?" she whispered back. "It'll be easier if we hand it off. I don't need anything out of this cave, only wanted to know where it went, so it's a wasted day for me otherwise since you've told me what's in there." Rashi was always happy to help.

The Belemoid exchanged glances and nodded to one another. "Agreed," they responded.

One adventure later (note: here's where the Dexterity Crucible occured), the trio were out of the cave, panting with their egg clutched firmly in Rashi's front claws (her hands had come in, well, handy). She handed it off to Ezra and Aoife, who thanked her and then asked what she would like in return for her aid.

"Oh no big deal," responded the gregarious Tsabhua. "Happy to help."

"Noble of you," said Aoife, "but we do not leave a debt unpaid and you risked yourself to help strangers."

Ezra nodded agreement. "It would bring shame to our family not to offer something in return."

"Hmmm," thought Rashi. "Oh, I know! What would be very helpful for my little colony is if you knew anybody, or could ask around, who was looking to relocate or would otherwise be willing to join up with us. We could really use a few more colonists to spread the workload around and make life there a bit easier and more pleasant."

"It is done," said Aoife. "We will be in touch."

Before Rashi could even tell them where her colony was located, they'd turned and disappeared rapidly over a hill. Shrugging, she returned home, ahead of schedule and glad to have been of service.

She didn't really expect to hear from the pair again. After all, they hadn't exchanged a lot of information. So it was a complete surprise for Rashi, Blip, and Taiah when, several days later, a gray head crested the hill, and a voice called out a greeting as a young adult Tsabhua came walking up, with three Belemoid whelps in tow. They looked roughly Taiah's age.

"Oh there you are, hello!" said the stranger. "I'm Soey."

"Oh uh, well hi, I'm Blip, and this is Rashi and Taiah," said the somewhat astonished little Vicham researcher. "How can we help you?"

"Ah, I see my companions used their normal amount of explanation," smiled Soey. "We're here to join up! Everything is explained in the note, here, a little gift," Soey handed Blip a small sack, inside which was some candy and a note.


Your valiant service aided us and now we repay our debt in kind. Soey has agreed to join you and we have sent with her our three sons- Mateo, Davus, and Temar. They are strong boys and will grow well, and we have instructed them to be true to your colony and guard and serve it, with their lives if need be.

Blip was a little horrified by the strong wording, particularly given the boys' youth, but Rashi assured her it was just in the somewhat serious nature of the parents and merely greeted the newcomers joyfully.

Temar puffed out his chest, introducing himself first. "I'm the bravest, strongest warrior and it's going to be great!"

Mateo was a very serious little one and nodded somberly to the assembly, very politely stating that he was glad to be there and help out and then nudging Davus, the middle son, to urge him to speak up.

"'Lo" said Davus finally. "I'm fast." Everyone paused for a moment but it seemed that was all they were getting out of him for now.

Soey ushered the boys in and helped them get settled. Everybody spent the rest of the day at camp, their usual movements put on hold in favor of getting to know the new colonists.

Rashi opted not to tell Blip exactly how it was she had convinced them to join up, knowing she'd never hear the end of taking such a risk on a whim for strangers. It seemed that at times, her impulses paid off.

Total Wordcount: 1093
1 to 200
"I've been thinking," said Blip over breakfast. Rashi gazed attentively with a nod, still chewing. Taiah hastily swallowed to ask, "What about?" "Well, there's only three of us here," she answered, "and we really need more of us to make a proper colony, don't you think? If we had a few more members it'd be easier to divide tasks and it's always useful to have a wider set of skills and strengths to draw from." "Sensible," said Rashi. "DPIP hasn't been sending us any other misfits, which I sort of suspected they might, but maybe just not yet. Still, we can't wait on them." "How d'you get more members?" Taiah said. "Well, I found you in a hole," answered Rashi cheerfully. Taiah stuck out her tongue. "I suppose we could do things the old fashioned way if we had a male Tsabhua you liked or another Vicham but we don't have either," Blip joked. Rashi smirked. Taiah tilted her head a bit, thinking about that. She sort of knew what they meant- it took, in most species she knew of, two to make babies. But she wasn't sure why it was funny. "Well, maybe we can put out a message
Mention Counter
Taiah: 4 mentions
Rashi: 4 mentions

201 to 400
to some of the other colonies around us and see if anybody fancies a move, or even just could spare a few for several months to help us make some expansions, even," Rashi suggested. "Good thought. We can draft a message tonight when you're finished with, what was it you were doing today?" "Going to explore a cave I found last week," Rashi explained. "I'm not familiar with this one so I'm not going to take too many risks but I don't want to bring you, kiddo, for the same reason," she directed at Taiah. "Ugh, all right, but be careful. We can't afford to lose you!" Blip scolded. Rashi only grinned. She was used to it. ~ Unexpectedly, Rashi wasn't the only explorer in the cave that day. A pair of Belemoid were crouched behind a rock close to the entrance, conversing quietly. They nodded to Rashi but seemed to be trying to be generally stealthy, so she sidled up closer and whispered a greeting. "Be you quiet in here," said the female softly. "It's the lair of a monster." "What are you doing in here then?" Rashi asked. "We're questing to bring home one of its eggs," murmured
Mention Counter
Taiah: 1 mentions
Rashi: 6 mentions

401 to 600
the male. "There's a pile deep in the lair and we need to grab one before they hatch." "Well then, why don't I help you out?" she whispered back. "It'll be easier if we hand it off. I don't need anything out of this cave, only wanted to know where it went, so it's a wasted day for me otherwise since you've told me what's in there." Rashi was always happy to help. The Belemoid exchanged glances and nodded to one another. "Agreed," they responded. One adventure later (note: here's where the Dexterity Crucible occured), the trio were out of the cave, panting with their egg clutched firmly in Rashi's front claws (her hands had come in, well, handy). She handed it off to Ezra and Aoife, who thanked her and then asked what she would like in return for her aid. "Oh no big deal," responded the gregarious Tsabhua. "Happy to help." "Noble of you," said Aoife, "but we do not leave a debt unpaid and you risked yourself to help strangers." Ezra nodded agreement. "It would bring shame to our family not to offer something in return." "Hmmm," thought Rashi. "Oh, I know! What would be very helpful
Mention Counter
Rashi: 3 mentions

601 to 800
for my little colony is if you knew anybody, or could ask around, who was looking to relocate or would otherwise be willing to join up with us. We could really use a few more colonists to spread the workload around and make life there a bit easier and more pleasant." "It is done," said Aoife. "We will be in touch." Before Rashi could even tell them where her colony was located, they'd turned and disappeared rapidly over a hill. Shrugging, she returned home, ahead of schedule and glad to have been of service. She didn't really expect to hear from the pair again. After all, they hadn't exchanged a lot of information. So it was a complete surprise for Rashi, Blip, and Taiah when, several days later, a gray head crested the hill, and a voice called out a greeting as a young adult Tsabhua came walking up, with three Belemoid whelps in tow. They looked roughly Taiah's age. "Oh there you are, hello!" said the stranger. "I'm Soey." "Oh uh, well hi, I'm Blip, and this is Rashi and Taiah," said the somewhat astonished little Vicham researcher. "How can we help you?" "Ah, I see my companions used
Mention Counter
Taiah: 3 mentions
Rashi: 3 mentions
Soey: 1 mentions

801 to 1000
their normal amount of explanation," smiled Soey. "We're here to join up! Everything is explained in the note, here, a little gift," Soey handed Blip a small sack, inside which was some candy and a note. Rashi; Your valiant service aided us and now we repay our debt in kind. Soey has agreed to join you and we have sent with her our three sons- Mateo, Davus, and Temar. They are strong boys and will grow well, and we have instructed them to be true to your colony and guard and serve it, with their lives if need be. Blip was a little horrified by the strong wording, particularly given the boys' youth, but Rashi assured her it was just in the somewhat serious nature of the parents and merely greeted the newcomers joyfully. Temar puffed out his chest, introducing himself first. "I'm the bravest, strongest warrior and it's going to be great!" Mateo was a very serious little one and nodded somberly to the assembly, very politely stating that he was glad to be there and help out and then nudging Davus, the middle son, to urge him to speak up. "'Lo" said Davus finally. "I'm fast." Everyone paused
Mention Counter
Rashi: 2 mentions
Soey: 3 mentions
Mateo: 2 mentions
Davus: 3 mentions
Temar: 2 mentions

1001 to 1093
for a moment but it seemed that was all they were getting out of him for now. Soey ushered the boys in and helped them get settled. Everybody spent the rest of the day at camp, their usual movements put on hold in favor of getting to know the new colonists. Rashi opted not to tell Blip exactly how it was she had convinced them to join up, knowing she'd never hear the end of taking such a risk on a whim for strangers. It seemed that at times, her impulses paid off.
Mention Counter
Rashi: 1 mentions
Soey: 1 mentions
Ezra the Broken Blade is in 0 chunks
Aoife the Radiant is in 0 chunks
Taiah is in 3 chunks
Rashi is in 6 chunks
Soey is in 3 chunks
Mateo is in 1 chunks
Davus is in 1 chunks
Temar is in 1 chunks
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Othermoons Colony Part 3: Growth

In General Art ・ By Othermoons ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments

Introducing: all our new colonists! The last of my older stuff to put on the site's gallery, from here I'll just put it all here to begin with. 

Submitted By Othermoons
Submitted 3 months ago ・ Last Updated 3 months ago
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