Kya looked around the room one last time. Everything was in its place. Kadense had thrown her bag on the bed and it was laying upside down between two pillows. She was just glad she had tied it tight otherwise the contents would no doubt be strewn across the room. Alexander's bag lay at the foot. He had taken better care when setting his bag down.
She personally had placed her and Kel's bags gently on a pillow. One of the bags lay slightly open probably when Kel had taken out some xen. Kya thought about tying it back up but decided it was ok. Their belongings were in a secure place, with the doors locked. Kya was the last one to make it back to the lobby. Tolly was waiting very patiently by the door and it looked like Kadense was talking to her.
"Kya! You should see this dining room!" Alexander shouted. Then looked embarrassed when other colonists shot him. "Oops sorry. " Alexander apologized. Kel emerged from the dining room right behind Alexander. He had a donut in one hand.
"Oh you two." Kya said as she snagged her mate. "I can not take you anywhere. Tolly is waiting for us and we need to rescue her from Kadense."
"Ah good you are all here." Tolly said. To Kya's surprise she didn't not seem to have minded answering all of Kadense's questions.
"As I was telling Kadense we have several places we could go before you need to be back here for dinner. "
"Can we go to the promenade? Tolly says we can really see the ocean from there." Kadense piped up excitedly.
"There is also the library and the Eastunder museum." Tolly quickly added.
Alexander quickly perked up at the mention of a library. "Is it close by?" He asked Tolly. Then before she could answer he had turned to Kel and Kya.
"Could we please go to the library? I won't take long. Please, I just want to look." Kya wasn't so sure. The last time Alexander went into a library he wasn't seen all day.
"Oh let the boy go and look, Kya. We won't get anything else done till he has at least seen the library. " Kel said.
"It's not too far from here and is actually on the way to the promenade." Tolly spoke up.
Kadense ears had drooped a little when it looked like they were going to the library instead of where she wanted to go.
"Oh lets go." Kadense said then opened the door and ran out. Alexander was right on her heels as he too ran out.
Tolly chuckled. "They sure are an excited bunch of kids. " She remarked. Kel and Kya could only agree with her as they also stepped outside.
Kya glanced up at the ceiling. She could barely see the glass that held back the ocean, but she could see the fish as they swam. She caught a glimpse of a bright blue tail before it disappeared from view. She didn't think she could ever live in a place like this. Always worrying about if the dome would break and let in all the water. But she would try and enjoy her stay here.
Tolly had run ahead to the two youngsters and was leading them all to a large building that was the same white glittering color as the rest of the buildings. This one had a wide staircase that led to double doors that were made of glass. 'Eastunder Library' was written in large blue letters above the doors. The library was rather close to where they were staying. Alexander would be able to come back on his own during any free time they might have.
Alexander paused before he pushed the doors open. And then stopped. His mouth agape. He had never seen so many books before.
Kadense pushed past him and she too stopped. "Wow! Look at all the books!"
Kel gently pushed Alexander away from the door. "This is quite impressive. We don't have anything like this where we live. Not even the Scientists possess this many."
"How can that be? I heard scientists love to learn. Wouldn't they need books?" Asked Tolly from behind him.
"I asked once about that and I was told that they have books on their small computers. They can look up almost any book that has ever been written. " Kya answered.
"Oh. That sounds so wonderful." Tully said. She really needed to start traveling. She was sure the few scientists that live here had something similar but she had never seen them use it. They were always swimming out in the ocean and bringing back specimens to study. At least that is what her cousin always said.
"Alright Alexander. You can have one hour. One. " Kel held up one finger to make sure that there was no way of misinterpreting the one hour.
"Yes sir!" Alexander said then made a bee line to the first shelving which happened to be books on fish.
Kel: 3 mentions
Kya: 5 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions
Kadense: 2 mentions
Kel: 2 mentions
Kya: 4 mentions
Alexander: 2 mentions
Kadense: 5 mentions
Kel: 1 mentions
Kya: 2 mentions
Alexander: 1 mentions
Kadense: 1 mentions
Kel: 1 mentions
Kya: 1 mentions
Alexander: 4 mentions
Kadense: 1 mentions
Alexander: 1 mentions

The Great Library
The crew get to go to the library and Tolly starts to have more thoughts of maybe going out on adventures to see more of the world.
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