Sheets of slate slithered over the sky as the team approached their usual mine. Novruil scowled up at the clouds, tail flicking in unease. It was always risky to try to mine before a storm. But on the other hand, this was Gashem. It was always storming. And this might be the last chance they get to get in and grab something before the place floods again.
He took a look at his team. Kahawai looked faintly bored, picking sand out from between his claws. But Leema and Lungric both stood attentive; eager to get digging.
"What, do you want a speech? You all know what to do," Novruil grunted. The sooner they get in, grab something shiny, and get out; the better. And with that the group set off once again, trotting up towards the gap in the familiar canyon.
As they walked Leema and Lungric fell in step behind Kahawai. The former flashed a sharp-toothed grin. "I bet I manage to find more ore than you. Again."
Lungric snorted. "Again? You must have bonked your head on the last expedition. I clearly had gathered more."
"Whatever you say…"
Novruil led the way and they all slipped into the mouth one, right after the other. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but once they slipped through the chamber opened out before them.
Sandstone walls stood tall before swooping down to form a wide chamber. The most visible vein was long-since marked with the indents of claws and tools from previous expeditions. Yet as Novruil led the way deeper underground, the vein swelled and thickened once again.
It was not long before dark stone swallowed up the last threads of daylight. One by one the quartet's headlamps flicked on as they scanned the old stone walls looming on either side.
Leema found her eyes landing on a nice juicy-looking vein. Pieces of glinting mineral struggled their way out of the surrounding rock, shining a tempting silver in the light. Yet as she moved to set up in front of it, Lungric elbowed her aside. "I saw it first."
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Oh please. If anything I caught sight of it looooong before you did."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
Kahawai pushed between the squabbling pair. "It's mine now," he declared. If they were going to argue over it like whelps, then he was going to solve it like they were whelps. To which the pair grumbled but shuffled off to find other spots to dig.
Once places were all negotiated, the team quickly got to work. They all knew what they were doing at this point, no need to discuss. The rock obediently gave way beneath their claws and picks with practiced ease. Anything shiny found was quickly tucked away to be cleaned and tumbled later.
All the while Novruil kept sniffing the air for the scent of rain. They had all been lucky so far, never having been flooded out of their mine. Yet. One of these days Novruil knew their luck would run out.
Hopefully that wouldn't be today.
"You think too loudly," Kahawai muttered to him. "I can practically feel your worry from here."
"Someone has to be," Novruil replied.
While the others worked he had kept his attention on the atmosphere. With each passing moment some seed of worry dug its roots deeper and deeper into his gut. And if that was what was required to keep everyone from drowning, then so be it.
It was then that Novruil scented something in the air. A heavy wetness, yet fresh. Almost like…
"Everybody out!" He called, voice bouncing off the stone walls. No room to take any chances. "Rain's coming, grab your tools and move!"
Instantly, everyone jumped to their feet. Leema and Lungric ran side by side, playful bickering forgotten. Meanwhile Kahawai brought up the rear as Novruil led the way back to the surface.
To his horror the ground beneath his paws had grown slick. A thin blanket of water slithered down the stone like a snake, threatening each step they took. One wrong move and it would be all over.
Leema's paw slipped and she let out a yelp. Before she could slide too far both Kahawai and Lungric turned around to grab her. The trio stuck close together, working as a team to find the most surefooted way back the way they had all come.
Even still, Novruil didn't let himself breathe until all four of them were out of this ominous cave. They clawed their way one after the other through the narrow opening in the wall. Each time the stone pressed close against their flanks like hungry sandstone jaws. A faint threat of "what if".
But they all made it out.
Lungric sank down into a sit, panting, while Leema collapsed beside her. Kahawai stood nearby, trying to play off just how heavily he was breathing. All of them seemed to be a little shaken, but blissfully still alive.
Novruil raised his muzzle to feel ice-cold rain falling against his face. By now the sky was a churning mass of dark clouds, swirling and coiling around each other like the face of an ominous grey sea.
But they had gotten out in time. Against all odds, they had made it out.
Novruil cleared his throat just loud enough to grab the others' attention. "Come, let's go home and see what we've found."
Lungric: 3 mentions
Kahawai: 2 mentions
Leema: 2 mentions
Lungric: 1 mentions
Kahawai: 1 mentions
Leema: 1 mentions
Kahawai: 1 mentions
Lungric: 3 mentions
Kahawai: 2 mentions
Leema: 2 mentions
Kahawai: 1 mentions
Leema: 1 mentions

[MINE : Trade] [TRADE] Get In and Get Out
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