A russian-colored belemoid and an appaloosa-marked tsabhua were both standing and admiring the large glass building that stood in front of them. Imiria and Orion had arrived at one of the large glasshouses that existed in Mireh, for their task of helping with the planting and taking care of all the seedlings that existed in the controlled habitat. Despite Mireh being quite a fertile area with lots of berries and fruits, it didn't mean that everything grew well there. Imiria continued to admire the glasshouse where large window panes - taller than the almost 8 foot tsabhua of Orion - were framed by sheets of metal, forming a large rectangular building that allowed all of the pure sunlight to stream inside. Due to the sheer, clear glass they could both see exactly what was inside the building. Planters lined neat rows, some empty, some lined with dirt, and others with sprouting green plants. "Orion?" the belemoid turned to the tsabhua, who nodded in return; "and you must be Imiria" she gruffly replied. Imiria smiled in response and opened the door that would allow them to enter the glasshouse, holding it open for Orion to follow her in. Inside it was warm, as was to be expected considering glass traps heat. In some areas where there were plants that were growing well with large thick leaves, condensation slowly dripped down the windows.

Imiria and Orion walked over to their workstations where everything they needed, other than their own skills and knowledge, were available for them to get started. There were packets of seedlings, various soil mixtures, trowels, watering cans and more. Working together, Orion grabbed one of the pots that they were to be using to plant the seedlings whilst Imiria carefully tore open one of the soil pouches and began emptying some of it into the pot. Orion glanced at the seedling she had, sniffed it, and carefully placed it into the pot and patted a light layer of soil over it. She glanced at Imiria and pointed at the water with her nose. "Just a small splash" she grunted out, and the belemoid listened and carefully poured a small splash of water over the seedling that was freshly planted in the pot. Both the tsabhua and belemoid were used to planting things and were confident in their actions, for they had been practising and perfecting their farming and gathering skills - where they felt most useful to their colonies.

They continued working diligently and in sync, taking it in turns to pass pots, seedlings, soils and water to each other. Imiria would occasionally walk off to place the pots alongside the other seedlings of the same type whilst Orion continued prepping the next seedlings. Both xunari were sweating by this point from the warmth inside the glasshouse, but neither of them seemed to be bothered by this. It was delightfully quiet with only the sound of the movement of all their tools, and their breathing - there was no-one else in the glasshouse with them. They were both careful to pay attention when the type of seedlings they were planted changed. "Hold on, this one needs this soil" Imiria pointed out, pulling over a different type of soil mixture. "Ah, yes, you're right" Orion grunted in agreement, pouring out the incorrect soil and replacing it with the correct soil, before continuing as she had been and adding the seedling to the pot. The belemoid and the tsabhua did not talk much as they worked - which they were both fine with - and instead quietly and effectively worked together to achieve their task for the day. Both xunari had a strong passion for this type of work.

Once Imiria and Orion had finished with the seedlings that were available on their workstation, they both grabbed their own watering cans and began checking and watering the other plants that were located within the glasshouse. They made sure to pay attention to what the plants were and what their individual requirements were, watering those that needed the additional watering, and turning the pots of those that needed an alternate direction of sunlight. The sun was beginning to dip behind the horizon by the time the pair finished their tasks. Imiria huffed and sat down, exhausted after the day's work, and smiled at Orion who just watched her with interest. "I think we're done?" Orion announced, and Orion nodded in agreement. "We did good!" she chirped happily, not receiving much of a response from Orion. But the belemoid was too pleased with their achievement to be bothered by this, and instead twitched her tail happily as they finished cleaning up and returned their tools to the correct places within the glasshouse. Once they were all cleaned up, they both left the glasshouse and parted ways with minimal exchanged words - they knew they'd likely end up seeing each other again.

Total Wordcount: 818
1 to 200
A russian-colored belemoid and an appaloosa-marked tsabhua were both standing and admiring the large glass building that stood in front of them. Imiria and Orion had arrived at one of the large glasshouses that existed in Mireh, for their task of helping with the planting and taking care of all the seedlings that existed in the controlled habitat. Despite Mireh being quite a fertile area with lots of berries and fruits, it didn't mean that everything grew well there. Imiria continued to admire the glasshouse where large window panes - taller than the almost 8 foot tsabhua of Orion - were framed by sheets of metal, forming a large rectangular building that allowed all of the pure sunlight to stream inside. Due to the sheer, clear glass they could both see exactly what was inside the building. Planters lined neat rows, some empty, some lined with dirt, and others with sprouting green plants. "Orion?" the belemoid turned to the tsabhua, who nodded in return; "and you must be Imiria" she gruffly replied. Imiria smiled in response and opened the door that would allow them to enter the glasshouse, holding it open for Orion to follow her in. Inside it was
Mention Counter
Orion's Fall: 4 mentions
Imiria: 4 mentions

201 to 400
warm, as was to be expected considering glass traps heat. In some areas where there were plants that were growing well with large thick leaves, condensation slowly dripped down the windows. Imiria and Orion walked over to their workstations where everything they needed, other than their own skills and knowledge, were available for them to get started. There were packets of seedlings, various soil mixtures, trowels, watering cans and more. Working together, Orion grabbed one of the pots that they were to be using to plant the seedlings whilst Imiria carefully tore open one of the soil pouches and began emptying some of it into the pot. Orion glanced at the seedling she had, sniffed it, and carefully placed it into the pot and patted a light layer of soil over it. She glanced at Imiria and pointed at the water with her nose. "Just a small splash" she grunted out, and the belemoid listened and carefully poured a small splash of water over the seedling that was freshly planted in the pot. Both the tsabhua and belemoid were used to planting things and were confident in their actions, for they had been practising and perfecting their farming and gathering
Mention Counter
Orion's Fall: 3 mentions
Imiria: 3 mentions

401 to 600
skills - where they felt most useful to their colonies. They continued working diligently and in sync, taking it in turns to pass pots, seedlings, soils and water to each other. Imiria would occasionally walk off to place the pots alongside the other seedlings of the same type whilst Orion continued prepping the next seedlings. Both xunari were sweating by this point from the warmth inside the glasshouse, but neither of them seemed to be bothered by this. It was delightfully quiet with only the sound of the movement of all their tools, and their breathing - there was no-one else in the glasshouse with them. They were both careful to pay attention when the type of seedlings they were planted changed. "Hold on, this one needs this soil" Imiria pointed out, pulling over a different type of soil mixture. "Ah, yes, you're right" Orion grunted in agreement, pouring out the incorrect soil and replacing it with the correct soil, before continuing as she had been and adding the seedling to the pot. The belemoid and the tsabhua did not talk much as they worked - which they were both fine with - and instead quietly and effectively worked together
Mention Counter
Orion's Fall: 2 mentions
Imiria: 2 mentions

601 to 800
to achieve their task for the day. Both xunari had a strong passion for this type of work. Once Imiria and Orion had finished with the seedlings that were available on their workstation, they both grabbed their own watering cans and began checking and watering the other plants that were located within the glasshouse. They made sure to pay attention to what the plants were and what their individual requirements were, watering those that needed the additional watering, and turning the pots of those that needed an alternate direction of sunlight. The sun was beginning to dip behind the horizon by the time the pair finished their tasks. Imiria huffed and sat down, exhausted after the day's work, and smiled at Orion who just watched her with interest. "I think we're done?" Orion announced, and Orion nodded in agreement. "We did good!" she chirped happily, not receiving much of a response from Orion. But the belemoid was too pleased with their achievement to be bothered by this, and instead twitched her tail happily as they finished cleaning up and returned their tools to the correct places within the glasshouse. Once they were all cleaned up, they both left the glasshouse
Mention Counter
Orion's Fall: 5 mentions
Imiria: 2 mentions

801 to 818
and parted ways with minimal exchanged words - they knew they'd likely end up seeing each other again.
Mention Counter
Orion's Fall is in 4 chunks
Imiria is in 4 chunks
Avatar of Astraia

[Trade] Gatherer 0321 + 1345

In Class Specialization ・ By Astraia ・ 1 Favourite ・ 2 Comments

Orion's Fall and Imiria completing their Gatherer task - "Grow seedlings in a contained environment [think glasshouse] to experiment on which is viable in your region"

Submitted 1 week ago Last Updated 1 week ago
Trade With:   Wayward Station
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#3077 by Astraia
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[[Trade] Gatherer 0321 + 1345 by Astraia (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/1225)
Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station   1w and 5d ago
There’s a lovely sense of atmosphere in this piece!
Astraia Avatar
Astraia   1w and 4d ago
Ah thank you that means a lot to me considering I was really worried about whether the atmosphere and environment were good enough in this one <3
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