Isolde 0751's Change Log

Edited By
Image Reuploaded ([#1648])
2yrs and 4mos ago
Character Design Updated ([#1648])
2yrs and 4mos ago
Image Visibility/Validity Updated ([#1568])
2yrs and 4mos ago
Colonist Class Updated ([Gatherer])
2yrs and 4mos ago
Character Design Updated ([#1568])
2yrs and 4mos ago
Colonist Class Updated ([Gatherer's Assistant])
2yrs and 5mos ago
Image Deleted ([#1509])
2yrs and 5mos ago
MYO Design Approved ([#1516])
2yrs and 5mos ago
Geno Created (Initial upload)
2yrs and 5mos ago